More Chemtrails

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More Chemtrails

Postby pmcolt » Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:36 pm

So I'm watching this show on chemtrails on the Discovery Channel. I've never paid much attention to the chemtrail conspiracy theory folks, because, well, they all seem fairly :glp-woohoo: to me.

But I'm watching, because that's the channel my tv is on and I can't find my remote. So, apparently, the Big Bad Government is systematically dumping kilotons of chemicals into the upper troposphere. Why? According to one person interviewed, to slow down the onset of "catastrophic climate change" by dumping chemicals into the atmosphere that will reflect sunlight and fend off global warming. :shock: Oh my FSM! Those sick, twisted jerks!

Of course, they're a bit short on evidence, because it's hard to collect samples of these chemtrails directly. Probably because the FAA is conspiring to keep them a secret. But, not to worry, one guy collected rain samples on days when there were higher-than-normal numbers of contrails in the sky, had the samples analyzed, and found traces of aluminum. Aha! Proof! Except they never said anything about him collecting control samples, or establishing a baseline. And I'm not quite sure how rain is supposed to wash these chemtrails out of the sky, considering that these jets fly in the stratosphere, above most weather, and the chemicals in these contrails are supposed to remain airborne for months or years.

Like I said, I've never paid much attention to them. Is this really the best they can do? Because I'm sure I could come up with a much better conspiracy, given a little time. :?
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Postby Blue Monster 65 » Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:38 pm

Go ahead! I'll give you the time, then I'll help you spread it.

Of course, I must warn you that since I'm the CEO and Founder of the League of Mad Scientists, I'm already behind most of the kook conspiracies out there. :twisted: Muhahahahahahahaha!

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Postby MM_Dandy » Tue Oct 16, 2007 10:38 pm

Shoulda figured a Youper was ultimately behind 'chemtrails.'
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Postby Enzo » Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:30 am

Yep, when I want a yooper, I just look under chemtrails...

The thing with CTs is they don't need quality conspiracies. AS long as whatever it is sounds more or less plausible without a second thought, that is good enough for them.

Was just thinking the other day about the moon landing hoax crowd. They like to say the space suits would be pressurized on the moon and you would not be able to bend the fingers to make a grip, for example. One has to wonder then if they believe the entire space program is a hoax - shuttle and everything, those same spacesuits would be pressurized in space up in orbit too.
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Postby Мастер » Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:33 am

MM_Dandy wrote:Shoulda figured a Youper was ultimately behind 'chemtrails.'

Enzo wrote:Yep, when I want a yooper, I just look under chemtrails...

So is it "Youper" or "Yooper"? Or is the first one Commonwealth English, and the second one American?

ETA - is there a corresponding nationality for someone from the lower peninsula?
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Postby Enzo » Wed Oct 17, 2007 1:20 am

I don't know as how they have their lore so formalized as to having official spelling. It being phonetic and all, I spell it one way, and someone else may spell it his.

The "UP" becomes, da "Yoop." However you spell it. I folow the spelling of the "popular" musical group, Da Yoopers.
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Postby Blue Monster 65 » Wed Oct 17, 2007 2:10 am

It's YOOPER, you friggin' SoDak! :lol:

And the rest of Michigan is populated by trolls. Or so they call themselves. To us, they're all from Detroit.

From the little reading I've done about the moon landing hoax people, they seem to believe that the entire program IS a hoax. Of course, some of those same people tend to overlap with the earth is flat groupies, too, so take that as you may.

Does anyone else have the following books:

High Weirdness By Mail - Rev Ivan Stang

The 60 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time - Johnathan Vankin & John Whalen

The Encyclopedia of Conspiracies & Conspiracy Theories - Michael Newton

Those three books are some of the most entertaining reading you'll ever get. Whenever I'm down in the dumps and need a good laugh, I can just crack one open to almost any page and, within a paragraph or two, I'm laffing my head off.

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Postby Enzo » Wed Oct 17, 2007 4:58 am

I recall High Weirdness. That is fairly old, is it not?
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Postby Blue Monster 65 » Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:11 am

Yeah, it is. It's kind of been superceded by the internet, but it's still good reading and a valuable resource for stuff to look up via google, ask, etc.

I had some contact with a few of those guys from the Church of the Sub Genious - I'm sure a few of you here have, too! Or else you are them ...

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Postby MM_Dandy » Fri Oct 19, 2007 7:06 pm

Blue Monster 65 wrote:It's YOOPER, you friggin' SoDak! :lol:

That's East River SoDak to you, you Youper! :P

For those who are not familiar with the geography of the state of South Dakota, the Missouri River effectively divides it into two parts: the green, fertile, cash-crop growing East and the barren, desolated, gray/brown, cattle ranching/tourist trapping West. Actually, we're pretty friendly towards each other, and the most intense rivalries are limited to high school sports.

I, too, have found the 'chemtrail' conspiracies to be one of the more...perplexing of the many CTs I've looked into. To start with, many chemmers will agree that aircraft exhaust can form short-lived contrails. After all, they've seen this phenomena almost their entire lives, usually. However, even though persistent contrails look exactly like short-lived contrails when they are first formed, they will assert that those persistent contrails are, in fact, 'chemtrails.' Why? Because they don't dissipate within some subjective amount of time. And trust me, if you were to ever ask a chemmer how long a real contrail can visually persist, you will get all sorts of answers. Very few of them will ever admit that atmospheric conditions could have an affect on them. And that's just for starters. Weather control, conduits for 'HAARP rays,' and hiding Planet X are some of the other reasons I've seen for why "they" make 'chemtrails.'
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Postby Blue Monster 65 » Fri Oct 19, 2007 7:10 pm

Pardon me! Had I known I was not dealing with a Westie SoDak, I would have been much more polite, as you well know. :lol:

The chemtrail "facts" ... interesting. To me, it just seems as though some people have way too much time on their hands. Sure wish I did.

Of course, I could do something productive rather than post this, right?

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