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Apollo Hoax info

PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 10:52 pm
by Nighthawk
In here the mods and admins will post links to sites with info for this area. We will try and include a short description with each link also.

So...if you find a good site with information, go ahead and post it and we will review it and if warranted, move the link into here.

So, get digging and find those links. 8)

Note: To let you know, I would like to keep these stickys as one post. So if you post links in this thread your links will be moved into this post and the original removed. I will, of course, give credit to the original poster for the links

Compliments of Bob B ( :shock: )

Moon Base Clavius - Probably the best and most complete moon hoax debunking site, by our good friend Jay Windley (a.k.a. JayUtah).

Did We Land On The Moon? A Debunking of the Moon Hoax Theory. - My own hoax debunking Web page. Written in a question and short answer format.

Bad Astronomy - Fox TV and the Apollo Moon Hoax - Phil Plait (a.k.a. The Bad Astronomer) debunks the infamous Fox program.

Are Apollo Moon Photos Fake? - Photographer Ian Goddard demonstrates why the HBs are wrong about shadows and lighting.

Where Apollo Pictures Faked? - Photographer Thomas Bohn explains photo anomalies with his own photographs.

Apollo Hoax Charges Falter Under Light of Critical Analysis - Hoax debunking page by Jim McDade of the University of Alabama Birmingham.

A Conspiracy of Conspiracy Theories: America's Lost Moon - Another debunking page by Jim McDade.

Non-Faked Moon Landings! - Hoax debunking page by planetary scientist Jim Scotti, University of Arizona.

Comments on the FOX Moonlanding Hoax special - Another page by Jim Scotti; specifically addresses the Fox program.

Did we land on the moon? - A nice moon hoax debunking page by Keith Mayes.

Conspiracy Theory: Did We Go to the Moon? - Another good debunking page by Steven Dutch, University of Wisconsin Green Bay.

FOX Goes to the Moon, but NASA Never Did - The No-Moonies Cult Strikes - Michael Shermer of Skeptic Magazine writes a nice debunking page.

Answers to Questions about the FOX TV Moon Hoax Program - Jim Gerard, Aerospace Education Specialist, answers students' questions about the moon hoax.

Apollo 15 Landing Site Spotted in Images - Article about the Apollo 15 landing site imaged by the Clemetine spacecraft.

The Apollo Moon Landings - Were they all a hoax? - Yet another hoax debunking page; this one written by British authors.

The Great Moon Hoax - A short NASA publication debunking the moon hoax.

NASA Facts - Did U.S. Astronauts Really Land On The Moon? - Another NASA publication about the moon hoax.

The Space Page - The Apollo Moon Landing 'Hoax' - Short debunking page; includes a humorous "HB Checklist".

Was the Apollo Moon Landing a Hoax? - Staff writer from The Straight Dope answers a moon hoax question.

The Moon Hoax Is A Hoax! - Brief essay about the moon hoax.

Proof Positive - Five Reason to Believe We've Been to the Moon - One person's top five list.

Telescopic Tracking of the Apollo Lunar Missions - Astronomer Bill Keel, Univeristy of Alabama, provides pictures of Apollo in route to the Moon.

The Van Allen Belts and Travel to the Moon - A Web page about radiation exposure in the Van Allen Radiation Belts.

These next ones are by, but be wary -- the authors do a good job debunking the moon landing hoax, but they also believe Apollo astronauts uncovered ancient extraterrestrial artifacts on the Moon:

Who Mourns For Apollo? - Or - Was It Really Only a Paper Moon?
Who Mourns For Apollo? Part II
Who Mourns For Apollo? Part III
The Apollo "C-Rock" Revealed
Another Nail in The "Moon Hoax" Coffin

Re: Apollo Hoax info

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:32 am
by tubeswell
Nighthawk wrote:
The Great Moon Hoax - A short NASA publication debunking the moon hoax.

NASA Facts - Did U.S. Astronauts Really Land On The Moon? - Another NASA publication about the moon hoax.

I can't understand why NASA gave this the time of day (let alone website space). It merely dignifies attention-seeking extreme nutcases.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:06 pm
by Enzo
They were probably getting sick of hearing from people berating them for doing it, or asking for proof they were there, etc. They probably thought it would work to debunk it. Silly boys.