The Mr. Logic Smackdown

Is it okay to kill in the name of God? Can ethics, morals and technology peacefully co-exist?

The Mr. Logic Smackdown

Postby gillianren » Thu Jul 21, 2005 9:39 pm

so as some of you know, I'm in the middle of Scary Medical Procedures. (irregular Pap smear.) so, relevant to this, I have to go in to our local women's health center, as they're about the only place in Olympia that does the particular Scary Medical Procedure that I need.

they're currently in a doublewide trailer. their regular building is being remodeled, or possibly rebuilt, after the arson.

so I asked the nurse, being a good nosy little soul as I am, if she thought it was related to the fact that they did abortions. she said that, while of course they didn't yet know ($10,000 reward for information leading to prosecution!), everybody was kind of assuming it was. we agreed that there were a few other options, like stupid teenagers or attention seekers, but that anti-abortion wackos were the most obvious choice.

so here's where Mr. Logic comes in for his smackdown. this clinic does, obviously, more than just abortions. they do Scary Medical Procedures that can actually save lives, like mine, which will tell me whether or not I have cancer. (I probably don't.) if I do, though, and they catch it early, the odds of survival go way, way up. what's more, they're one of a handful of places in Olympia that provides gynecological care for low-income women. this is a good thing, right?

and what's more, they obviously didn't close the clinic; they moved into a trailer in their original parking lot! Mr. Logic says that, if you want to stop abortions, you should provide other solutions instead of burning down clinics and killing doctors.

anyone else have smackdowns for Mr. Logic to dispense?

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Postby MM_Dandy » Fri Jul 22, 2005 4:24 pm

Well, mainstream Christians follow the convention that burnt offerings are strictly Old Testament and no longer necessary for salvation. 8)

Sorry for the dark humor there, but logic is pretty much lost on the extremists. The worst of them have themselves convinced that they are doing good in the eyes of God, no matter what they do. What's more, they will go to unbelievable lengths in order to protect their justification, and to keep from admitting that they are cold blooded murderers.

The fact is, these people are terrorists.
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Postby gillianren » Fri Jul 22, 2005 9:46 pm

they are, they are. I guess the only consolation we have (and one of the reasons to suspect it might not have been anti-abortion wackos) is that, if I understand things properly, it was burned in the middle of the night, so no one was hurt.

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Postby PhantomWolf » Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:16 pm

MM_Dandy wrote:The fact is, these people are terrorists.

Exactly right. Most of them seem to have forgotten there is New Testement and act very much like those of that claim to be doing their actions in the name of Allah and Islam.
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Postby Lance » Sat Jul 23, 2005 3:30 pm

The concept of "killing in the name of god" has always sounded so ridiculous to me, regardless of who or what "god" may be to you.
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Postby umop ap!sdn » Sat Jul 23, 2005 7:46 pm

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Postby gillianren » Sat Jul 23, 2005 10:59 pm

Mr. Logic would like to present another smackdown, courtesy of this morning's Olympian:

America's moral and spiritual foundations are crumbling under continued assaults from the so-called natural sciences, whose findings depict humanity as nothing more than a herd of animals devoid of soul or conscience.

One of the most pernicious outcomes of this godless worldview is the notion that human beings start their lives as babies.

According to this warped and misguided theory, thinking and civilized adults arise from mewling, screaming, drooling little creatures who can't even control their own bodily functions.

The idea the builders of cities, nations, religions and empires could develop from helpless infants is an affront to common sense, but the moral implications are far more sinister.

If adults do indeed grow from babies, then all humanity is reduced to moral infancy.

Babies cannot tell right from wrong, so how could the adults they supposedly become have any basis for morality? How could the human psyche contains anything but the desire to howl until it gets what it wants?

Fortunately, men and women of piety have offered the world a sane alternative to the theory of infant-adult continuity. That alternative is the intelligent replacement theory. The fact that parents must sleep and can't watch their infants 24/7 proves that a supernatural intelligence can replace infants with charming kids who can walk, talk and follow directions.

Of course, this entire line of reasoning is ridiculous, but it is every bit as convincing as the creationist critique of evolution.

James Grossmann, Lacey

isn't that marvellous! oh, Mr. Logic is happy today!

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Postby PhantomWolf » Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:02 am

Lance wrote:The concept of "killing in the name of god" has always sounded so ridiculous to me, regardless of who or what "god" may be to you.

Oh I don't know. If your god is Bhaal, Cthulhu or Tonatiuh you might have a pretty good case for it.
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Postby gillianren » Wed Jul 27, 2005 9:47 pm

the nice clinician who did my biopsy yesterday thanks you for your support and assures me that, while their building will be ready for use soon, it won't be soon enough for her.

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Postby frogesque » Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:38 am

Fingers and everything else crossed for you Gillian.
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Postby Bill EE » Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:31 pm

Sorry to hear about the problem - my wife works in admin for clinics some of which do abortions and I do worry that some numb-nut will decide to do the same thing here. Luckily for me, she is in HR and well away from any medical buildings but she does visit the clinics.

Good Luck!
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