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Postby Bill_Thompson » Tue Mar 04, 2008 4:40 am

Hillary Clinton will be the next president because it is the time for a woman to lead the free world. The problem with mankind is that they have had a penis leading them. A penis only knows how to invade and violate.

Men are the problem with Humankind.

The human race will have its greatest revolution once Hillary is at the helm. Men have no connection with life. Men only have a connection with death and war. Men do not have a womb. They cannot understand the appreciation that women have for life.

Finally, when we have a woman president, there will be no more wars. This will, obviously, be the greatest achievement of humankind.

When wars become obsolete, so will the military. All the wasted tax money that has been going to support our military will be diverted to healthcare and prenatal care and support for AIDS patients and cancer survivors.

But this is just the beginning. A new utopia will emerge that we can only slightly now imagine.

Peace, love, and understanding will replace, hate, prejudice and injustice. There will no longer be a need for churches. They will become out of fashion and people will have no need to seek out imaginary gods to satisfy their need for self-worth.

Love and compassion and acceptance for all people will finally become a reality in the country. There will be a new marriage amendment to the constitution but not the kind that the evil, war-loving, neocons had in mind. Instead, the marriage amendment will be for all genders and all people and all groups.

Just kidding.
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Postby Lance » Tue Mar 04, 2008 12:34 pm

Hear hear!
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Postby Bill_Thompson » Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:33 pm

Of course, after the revolution, not every form of sex and marrage will be legal. Marrying outside your species with a being whom it cannot be determined if they are willing or not, will still be illegal. And marrying immediate family members who can give birth to genetic mutations will still be illegal. I mean, all hell will not break loose. But things will definately be better after the Hillary revolution.

And, of course, some forms of incest will still be illegal. But the Chinese immigrants from the Humang Province who have had to hide their practice of mothers giving oral rewards to their sons will be able to practice this ancient tradition openly for the first time in the United States.

(still just kidding)
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Postby KLA2 » Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:51 pm

OK, Bill. Time to pass the doobie. :lol:

Oh, and some guy named Jackie Chan wants to talk to you. Hope you don't mind I gave him your address. :wink:
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Postby Nighthawk » Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:07 pm

While I have no problem with a woman as president, matter of fact, anyone who is qualified is OK be them white, black, green, purple, male, female or whatever. I just don't feel that Hillary is a good choice.

The woman has flip-flopped so many times that she should qualify for the Women's US Olympic Gymnastics Team.
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Postby Lance » Tue Mar 04, 2008 11:49 pm

Nighthawk wrote:... president ... anyone who is qualified

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Postby Bill_Thompson » Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:10 am

KLA2 wrote:OK, Bill. Time to pass the doobie. :lol:

Oh, and some guy named Jackie Chan wants to talk to you. Hope you don't mind I gave him your address. :wink:

some hidden implication? By the way, that is real. I made up the province name. But they had a huge discusion on Howard Stern's show about that custom....

Anyway... back to the topic.

When the Hillary revolution occurs, peace, love and harmony will uccur. The United States will have no need for a military and after we disarm, all other countries will disarm.

And if, by chance, we are attacked, so what? We will simply turn the other cheek. This sort of behavior is what has brought stardom and etneral admiration to Ghandi and Martin Luther King. So will the case be for the United States of America which too, will go down in history.

(still just kidding)
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Postby Bill_Thompson » Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:48 am

The Hillary Revolution will be multi-layered and multi-dimensional. Finally women will have the same rights as men have. If you think that they already do, you are fooling yourself. Need proof? Just think of this. If men got pregnant instead of women, do you think there would be any question about abortion rights? Men would brag about their abortions like they brag about their conquests of women at frat parties. When the Hillary Revolution begins, women will have the right to buy RU-386 in dance club bathrooms just as men are able to buy condoms.

(still just kidding)
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Postby KLA2 » Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:49 am

some hidden implication

Humour, Bill? :roll:

Howard Stern's show

You ... quote Howard Stern ... as an authority??? :roll: :roll:

The United States will have no need for a military

Yeah, don't worry. Canada will defend you. :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol:


What??? (Never mind, I will Google it.)

... maybe not. ... 0Appliance

What ARE you referring to? (And when WILL you pass the duchie?) :lol:
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Postby Bill_Thompson » Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:40 am

KLA2 wrote:

What??? (Never mind, I will Google it.)

... maybe not. ... 0Appliance

What ARE you referring to? (And when WILL you pass the duchie?) :lol:

My bad. RU-486

Unintentional joke. Simular device.
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Postby Bill_Thompson » Sun Mar 09, 2008 1:28 am


Are you taking these pro-Hillary posts that I have made seriously?
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Postby Lance » Sun Mar 09, 2008 1:21 pm

I consider the source, then I give them the weight I think they deserve.
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Postby Enzo » Mon Mar 10, 2008 3:54 am

I find the best way to take your posts, Bill, is to not read them at all.
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Postby Lonewulf » Mon Mar 10, 2008 8:13 am

Enzo wrote:I find the best way to take your posts, Bill, is to not read them at all.

Doesn't this post imply that you've already read them? Or read the last one, anyways. Account

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Postby Enzo » Tue Mar 11, 2008 12:14 am

I never claimed to do things the best way always. I do read some of them, despite the boundaries of good taste.

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Postby Bill_Thompson » Tue Mar 11, 2008 6:03 pm

Enzo wrote:I find the best way to take your posts, Bill, is to not read them at all.

opps. You just broke your rule. You love pain, don't you?
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