
The Pit of Doom: Flame Wars, Fights and Schoolyard Bullying.
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Postby Enzo » Fri May 05, 2006 4:38 am

We would then call them to say that London was NOT 3000 miles west of America. They'd thank us and make the correction. Later we'd hear: London, 5000 KILOMETERS west of America.

Then we'd start to call them again, but we would give up.

Which reminds me to post something related in a separate thread.
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Postby FZR1KG » Fri May 05, 2006 5:07 am

America, Fuck yeah!!!! :lol:
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Postby Мастер » Fri May 05, 2006 11:38 am

I Am He wrote:Can you tell me where are the worlds tallest buildings located??

101 Taipei Place, no? Prior to that, Kuala Lumpur.
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Postby I Am He » Sat May 06, 2006 1:46 am

Buildings, Not Building. Notice the "S". N. Y. C. Has the Tallest Buildings in the World per capita then any other Nation in the World. If I am wrong then I stand corrected.
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Postby I Am He » Sat May 06, 2006 3:22 am

Lonewulf Wrote: "Huh?

What the fuck does the "tallest buildings" and "making a statement" have to do with anything?"
You don't remember posting this?? This Is your post, is it not??

Lonewulf Wrote: "But as anyone would have told you after 9/11, the main reason that it was such a big issue was that it happened on American soil -- that terrorists were able to come into the States, and then destroy a grand landmark, and kill thousands."

That Grand Landmark just happened to be two very Tall Buildings.... Were they not??

Lonewulf Wrote: "You Ultra Liberal you! I can't stand you Ultra Liberals! ULTRA LIBERAL!"
Where did I say that?? Hearing voices in your head?? I'd have that looked into if I were you.
Lonewulf Wrote: "That's not thinking along the lines of Political scale? Whatever."
Why did you post my Answer out of context??
I wrote:
"Go right ahead. I do not have any affiliations. You can label me any thing you want. But you don't see me posting about that America is the oppressor of the little people. In my opinion that is awfully Liberal to me. Now check my posts and see if I post anything about one side or the other of the Political scale, excluding these Posts. I usually avoid anything political like the plague, but your insensitivity towards 9-11, gets under my skin."

Notice, "Excluding These Posts"
Lonewulf Wrote: "If you come up with a plan for doing it, I'm all ears."
Is there something wrong with you?? You’re the one yelling at the top of your lungs about what's happening to the poor people, and you want me to give you a suggestion??
Lonewulf Wrote: "My point is that people have died in great numbers, and in FAR greater numbers than in 9/11, and they do not end up on the television screens for such a long time; nor are they shoved into people's face continually."
So What?? You've been saying the same thing over and over like a broken record, and not said one word what should be done about it. But that's typical of your kind. All Talk, And No Action.

(Snip) The rest of your rhetoric and Juvenile behavior.

Now go away like the nice little Boy, and sulk in the corner.
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