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Public Notice

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 12:28 am
by Bill_Thompson
Lance had said that someone was accusing me of something. The accusation itself was illegal and so I was conducting some initial investigation with other parties.

Lance later admitted that he had gotten some facts wrong.

This has cause a lot of unnecessary grief and hardship.

I wish I could saw that I wish Lance good luck with his website. But I don't.

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 12:30 am
by SciFi Chick
Maybe you should leave then. That's what people normally do when they are dissatisfied with a message board.

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 12:31 am
by Dragon Star
SciFi Chick wrote:Maybe you should leave then. That's what people normally do when they are dissatisfied with a message board.

No shit, get out of here Bill, no one likes you.

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 1:15 am
by Nighthawk

I am assuming that since you posted this you won't mind what i have to say.

I don't know why but would like to know. Why did you PM me this exact message 2 minutes after posting this thread? If you are wanting to make sure that I read your message you needn't bother, I would have seen this thread soon enough.

As for someone accusing you of something that is between you, Lance and the accuser. It has nothing to do with me or any other member of this forum.
Apparently Lance made a mistake and admitted it but other than that I have no clue what has been going on with that issue.

As for not wishing Lance luck with the site that is up to you and is fine. You must realize that this site was started as a lark and as a place for a few of us to get together and discuss conspiracy theories. It has grown by leaps and bounds beyond mine and, I'm sure, even Lances expectations.

With that said please do not PM me or any Mod or admin with messages that you have/intend to post in the forums. If anyone persists in doing this I will probably get into the habit of deleting any PM's from the offender unread.

If anyone has a problem with a post you can report the offending post by clicking the "!" button.

As for everyone else, please remember that this forum is what it is now BECAUSE of all of our members. I am of the opinion that if I don't like a certain poster I simply don't read their posts. I, for one, do not wish anyone to leave. If they choose to that is their decision.

One more thing that everyone needs to remember is that the "enraged Ones" area was created for the sole purpose of posters being able to fight and flame each other without much fear of reprimands. If what is posted in the threads in this area is pissing you off simply don't come to this area.

Thank You

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 1:22 am
by Bill_Thompson
Lance said the Wolverine was going around telling people that I had provided his email to some sort of porn spam services or something. Which not only did I not do but I would not know how to do.

But it seemed like something that maybe he might have done behind my back. So I was asking around to see if anyone who we both know of got such messages.

There are laws against spam. So there must be laws against promoting or giving email addressed out for the purpose of generatig spam. So logically there must be laws -- or there should be laws -- against falsely accusing people of commiting these laws.

But then Lance said he was confused and got his facts wrong.

He should have thought twice in the first place.

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 1:37 am
by Bill_Thompson
SciFi Chick wrote:Maybe you should leave then. That's what people normally do when they are dissatisfied with a message board.

But I loved it here until you came.
Makes me wonder.

Notice the "The Enraged Ones" caption and the discription that goes along with it?

Can you read? Did you know that there are other "trolls" who are much worse who come here and insult and do not carry it outside this area? Anmial is a good example. I bet you are a shitty worker in your real job whatever the hell that is.

Did it give you a rush of power knowing you can give me an insulting rank that would follow me to other areas of the forum?

Some people get their jollies by being unfair. I think you are one such person.

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 1:45 am
by Lonewulf
Bill Thompson: You should see this.

Hopefully this time you won't continue whining until the poll is taken down. Heh.