The Pit of Doom: Flame Wars, Fights and Schoolyard Bullying.
Warning: Contents may burn your eyes!


Postby Bill_Thompson » Thu Sep 20, 2007 10:09 pm

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~Resident Dragon


It is unethical, immoral and intolerant for people
who knowing lie to us.

Car salesmen do it, and even politicians do it. We can
tolerate this because they do not take anything form
us that is of personal or real value.

If someone is peddling an ideology and knowingly lies
about it and even convinced people that he knows what he
is talking about, it is unethical and unjust to turn away.

Pretentious bastards trying to convince others that they
have all the answers are all around us.

I like to pride myself in being as correct about subjects
as it is humanly possible. This requires that I have
an open mind and give people who are preaching to me
my time and energies. When it turns out that athiests
DON'T have all the answers and are no better than any oter
idiot, I am pissed off. I am pissed off that they basically
mislead and lied to me.

It is wrong not to get angry. If there is anything worth
swearing about. THis is it.

Let me guess, KOS did not bother to consider this... AGAIN.

The smartest thing he can do is to absorb this information
and consider its value and change himself. I do not
have much hope he will.

So after learning that atheism is just the same shift but
from another ass hole, I have to speak out.

It is a great immoral injustice to tolerate this. It is
bad for everyone

But also:

We do the liars a disservice by not telling them that they
are liars. If we let them get away with it, they are going
to also be hurting in the long run.

Pretentious bastards pretending to have all the answers
are all around us. Self- congratulating athiest who know
that there is not an invisible man in the sky are only idiots
who assume that everyone else is somehow less intelligent than
they are.

Also, KOS, people who live in glass houses should not
throw stones. Why not be a man and step up to the plate
and tell everyone the deep dark secret that I figured out
about you that you will not admit to. Better to run and hide
and accuse me of something, I guess. Coward.
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