Tada, the finale. It's about time.

The Pit of Doom: Flame Wars, Fights and Schoolyard Bullying.
Warning: Contents may burn your eyes!

Is this rant a good thing or bad thing ?.

No Woowoo, we're laughing at you, you loser !.
No votes
Yes, you're nearly as good as those idiots on Jerry Springer !.
Total votes : 3

Tada, the finale. It's about time.

Postby woowoo » Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:49 am

Good evening ladies and gentlemen of Illuminati r us. Tada, I would like to invite you to the last of my rants on the agghh, I'm surrounded by loser whiggers series !. I think it's about time I brought this to a close, so I will.

You see I think it's about time I explained to the good folks here what it's all about.

For at least the last year, some clown shoe, let's call him Grahame. Has payed someone to pay some bitch to stalk me,(we'll call her Angela from here on.) actually I doubt he'd do it himself but strange things do happen. Anyway this bitch has recuited losers to help her. But so far, I don't think I need to tell him just how useless these imbiciles have been. They have no hope of success and I wonder why he doesn't do something about them, he should get someone that has half a brain. It might cost a bit more but at least he'll be able to see some sort of result...

Anyway, these losers have no capacity to assess the situation here, as a result they'll never be able to trick or convince me to go to Melbourne as he wants. He needs to replace them , the sooner the better, they're just liabilities as I intend to point out in this post !.

Someone told the clown shoe's daughter, that she could get into politics easily for whatever reason, if she had a few friends in the right places.

However, circumventing or trying to circumvent the federal or even a state government in Australia is a bad idea.
At the end of world war two, the SAS had very little to do, so they moved into the world of political espionage, they've been there ever since. There hasn't been a person accused of treason in Australia in over 100 years.
In the last fifty plus years, the reason for this is that the penalty for trying something like branch stacking in a political party, can be best described as having someone on a neighbours two story roof point a rifle at you !.
(That's a good indicator that the guy there isn't just some braindead, useless druggie. So it's a good idea to consider reviewing your actions !.)

However, ventricular defibrillation, more commonly known as heart attacks are a common cause of death. Likewise someone could break someone's neck and wrap a noose around it, this is a prefect explaination for the coroner. These guys have lots of ways to convince an average joe to see things from their perspective, I know I did, I mean I would !.

It is NOT my intention to spread fear, nor do I seek to threaten anyone. But... Anyone thinking it's a good idea to try to manipulate the democratic system of Australia, for their personal or organisational gain, should seriously reconsider their career, like a humanitarian in a war zone, they'll live longer !...

Anyway, it doesn't matter now. Peter has retired, there's no reason for this crap. I suspect that's why Angela was told "it's over," last july, two months before Peter announced his retirement.

We don't need or want a bun fight with the clown shoe. So there's no reason why we can't act in a civil manner towards each other, although there are some things we'll never be able to agree on. Assuming he is happy to sit down and discuss whatever he percieves any problem is, I'd be able to work out a suitable solution.
However, I have as of yet not been informed of any desire on his part to do so.

In fact, so far it seems that I should assume from his actions, that any intentions he has for my future are far from what I would consider to be in my best interests. And I believe that this is the crux of any problem.

In fact, I'm not even sure there's been some sort of deal made, I have no idea what's going on.

Why the clown shoe has failed so far.
The clown shoe hopes to use those that live near me as local spies, as articulated in Sun Tzu's 'The art of war.' However these people are of little if any use, the fact of the matter is, the clown shoe has money, his brother has heaps of money... But he tends to hire people that need money more, ie, the under classes. The under classes aren't famous for being the most intellectually gifted... I actually wonder if he realises he's trading results for a greater degree of power over his subordinates and I would question if such power was worth while !.(Just kidding, based on the results so far, think he's a fool. I think he'd agree, if he knew just how easy it was if he changed his tactics. Which I will point out in this post !.)

Plan One. The old man's plan, I get heaps of money, he gets a chunk of money too !.

I get millions of dollars.

I 'supposedly' win lotto, 2-4 Million. I hate trailer parks.(Due to supposed harassment.) Yet I require a mobile home in case of continued 'harassment',

with a mobile home, if there's a problem, I can leave the immediate area thus negating any problem. This should come under the heading grievance resolution, if there's a problem it can be solved quickly and easily. This is done at considerable cost to anyone seeking to follow me, at their own expense. Isn't it nice when it's designed to all come together...

A female that's "on the ground", can rip out a USB or network cable. With someone to do this, I won't be able to rant on GLP. This results in a better performance evaluation for the person that suppose to handle me. It seems everyone wants a gold star, some people just have a better idea to get it. I wonder if the girl's a swallow...

Funnily enough I don't really have that many problems in life, I'm sure I should thank someone... I'm not sure who... But I get the impression that they like it that way !. So... What do I write here ?.

Plan Two.

THE FREE PLAN !. An alternative plan, to show just how useless the losers are !.(I say, free but I mean less than millions of dollars. Actually it's more like $25,000. Which is half the cost of what the clown shoe was said to have offered some penis lover at the last trailer park !.)

Yes, that is how absolutely useless the stalker bitch and her penis lover friends really are !.

The clown shoe convinces one of my sisters to come see me !. The clown shoe approaches my little sister and provides her with enough funding to solve any immediate RBA,(Reserve bank of Australia) problems she may have !. I will now elaborate.

The clown shoe approaches my sister and offers to pay her to get me to go back to Melbourne. She comes here and tells me she just had to see me because she just really missed me.(I'm so flattered.)

Lo and behold she arrives with a mate of mine. I'm so... Happy to see them and we drink way too much. On the second night the clown shoe hires a light plane and they load me onto the plane after being drugged... I wake up the next day in Melbourne. Sure I bitch about it and demand a plane ticket back !. But I'm in Melbourne, that's what he wants isn't it ?.

Both of these plans can be executed in 48 hours. Yes, I could be in Melbourne that quickly. So why has it taken the losers here so long ?.

I started the "KILL THE LOSERS" thread on.

Sun Apr 13, 2008 12:51 am

This thread ran until.

Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:01 pm

That's ten days, using our methods the clown shoe could have succeeded at least eight days ago. However, that didn't happen. Do you know why ?.

I'll tell you, the losers are worthless. If the clown shoe doesn't realise just how worthless they are after this post, he never will !. Actually I think that's hilarious !.

I intend to rectify this discrepancy, In fact I believe I just did.

One last thing.

Chris what was the message that guy wanted to deliver to you ?.
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Postby Dragon Star » Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:59 pm

:glp-meds: This is fantastic!
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Postby woowoo » Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:05 am

Dragon Star wrote::glp-meds: This is fantastic!

I'm not quite sure if you're being sacastic or not.

Actually my kill the losers thread was designed to give the clown shoe a better understanding of the situation so that it could be resolved. But it seems he has no interest in doing so, if he did I can only surmise I'd have heard of something by now.

Unless he's hell bent on using those idiots !. But I have absolutely NO
intention of listening to any demands or offers they may make.

He has to find someone else, that much isn't negotiable.

There's nothing these losers can do at this or any other point to resolve any issue.
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Postby woowoo » Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:09 am

The losers are pretty dumb, now that the clown shoe knows how to resolve the issue. He'll probably want to send a female of his own.

IF I met a girl whose entire family lived in Melbourne and she was close to them, then the clown shoe would use her to to get me to go to Melbourne on a more frequent basis, than what I would normally.

Not only are the losers liabilities, but they could actually screw up his plans...

This is rich... [strike]If they didn't annoy me so much,...[/strike] No there's no two ways about it... That's just hilarious !.

I would assume that's why he said to not to get in the way...

HAHA... This time I didn't even have to rant !. Well we'll see soon enough.

Those idiots probably think they'll get the money, but IF I don't get the money, I suppose I'll just keep ranting.

Only results matter, no one is interested in excuses.
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Postby Lance » Sat Apr 26, 2008 11:44 am

Let's invite the clown shoe here, to discuss this with you openly and on neutral ground.
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Postby Мастер » Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:55 pm

woowoo wrote:I'm not quite sure if you're being sacastic or not.

A lot of us have the same problem...
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Postby woowoo » Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:20 pm

Lance wrote:Let's invite the clown shoe here, to discuss this with you openly and on neutral ground.

Sure, I can't guarantee that I'll automatically accept any terms or conditions, but I can take things into consideration.

Also, as this is a public forum they should understand that under no circumstance should they consider this to be a private conversation. (Given the fact they know I'm under surveillance, but still.)

But that doesn't mean we can't sit down with a cup of tea, some biscuits and resolve this issue in a calm and composed manner.

Khrushchev's Other Shoe wrote:A lot of us have the same problem...

I hope you don't mean me, I'm such a nice person.
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Postby Dragon Star » Sat Apr 26, 2008 10:57 pm

Khrushchev's Other Shoe wrote:
woowoo wrote:I'm not quite sure if you're being sacastic or not.

A lot of us have the same problem...

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Postby Dragon Star » Sat Apr 26, 2008 11:07 pm

Lance wrote:Let's invite the clown shoe here, to discuss this with you openly and on neutral ground.

I took the liberty to do just this for him. After a small bit of research, I located where the Clown Shoe resides. After some linking, I invited him here so he could speak his mind on the issue. Let's see what he has to say:


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Postby woowoo » Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:22 am

Dragon Star wrote:[
I took the liberty to do just this for him.


Yay, it won't be long now till I'm rich !.
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Postby Dragon Star » Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:32 am

woowoo wrote:
Dragon Star wrote:[
I took the liberty to do just this for him.


Yay, it won't be long now till I'm rich !.

You're going to share with your ol' Dragon pal though, right? I love booty. Image
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Postby woowoo » Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:04 am

Dragon Star wrote:You're going to share with your ol' Dragon pal though, right? I love booty. [img]

Oh sure, it's not like I have any mates here to go fishing with. But I'm a fair weather friend, so if I bring the boat, you have to be beer bitch !.

I've been looking at boats and I decided that this one looks like it'd make for a nifty little day trip.

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Postby Dragon Star » Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:14 am

Oh now, don't be modest! Live life a little!


And sure, I'll bring the beer...I'll get KOS to buy it for me. :P
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Postby woowoo » Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:34 am

Dragon Star wrote:Oh now, don't be modest! Live life a little!


And sure, I'll bring the beer...I'll get KOS to buy it for me. :P

Well I suppose I could break open the piggy bank... But at 15 kts it's going to need bigger engines !.

Dood, I thought Kos was bringing the girls... It's no wonder he wanted to swap with you !.
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Postby umop ap!sdn » Sun May 11, 2008 5:44 pm

Dragon Star wrote:I love booty.

Agreed - a curvy bottom is a wonderful sight.
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Postby woowoo » Mon May 12, 2008 1:11 am

umop ap!sdn wrote:
Dragon Star wrote:I love booty.

Agreed - a curvy bottom is a wonderful sight.

I think Dragon Star was talking about money and treasure, seeing as we're just talking about boats.

But yes, girls that weigh 110 to 130 pounds do look good on boats.
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Postby troubleagain » Mon May 12, 2008 6:08 pm

Huh. Well, that range of weight lets me out.
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Postby woowoo » Tue May 13, 2008 8:13 am

troubleagain wrote:Huh. Well, that range of weight lets me out.

Well there'll be sandwiches and finger food too, so you'll be able to put on a few pounds so that you can get up to 110!
Although if you need a saline drip, then maybe a boat isn't the best place for you to be. Public liability insurance and all that.
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Postby troubleagain » Tue May 13, 2008 2:36 pm

woowoo wrote:
troubleagain wrote:Huh. Well, that range of weight lets me out.

Well there'll be sandwiches and finger food too, so you'll be able to put on a few pounds so that you can get up to 110!
Although if you need a saline drip, then maybe a boat isn't the best place for you to be. Public liability insurance and all that.

Good comeback! I'm definitely not in need of adding any pounds. :wink:
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Postby woowoo » Wed May 14, 2008 5:31 am

troubleagain wrote:Good comeback! I'm definitely not in need of adding any pounds. :wink:

That's ok, most tenders are inflatable, so if it sinks getting anyone to the boat, we'll be able to do some synchronised swimming, yay, what fun!
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