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Bill Thompson vs. Ted Kennedy

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:28 pm
by Bill_Thompson
This mess was split from: Rest in Peace: Ted Kennedy -Lance

It sucks when someone dies. People close to us are ripped out of
our lives forever and we have to adjust.

It is a time for serious reflection and introspection.

It is not to be taken lightly. It is the most serious of all
serious things.

And yet, somehow and for some reason, people are flocking to
Edward Kennedy's memorial and funeral.

Considering the sorts of people who do this, I know I am going
to have to explain this in detail because a lot of people just
won't get it. But this outpouring for this man is going to have
a huge backlash. No, not the death of Edward Kennedy... no,
that is not what I am saying at all. I am talking about how
middle America is going respond to this outpouring of grief
and sympathy that some people are having for Kennedy.

Other people -- the people who would NOT go to a memorial of
Edward Kennedy for just and sound reasons -- are going to be
motivated and stirred. This is where the backlash is going
to come from.

And I predict the end result is that Obama is not going to
be elected for a second term.

Where do I begin with my expatiation? Lets start with this.
The United States is not a monarchy. The sins, the lusts, the
exploits, the deviant behavior of the prince or king or his family
is not excusable just because we have faith and belief that the
royalty has the interest of peasants at heart.

Edward (by the way, how do you get "Ted" from Edward? I always
thought it was a ruse to get people to think he was a cross between
his brothers and Ted Roosevelt) Kennedy will never has his
face carved out of a mountain or have his profile on a coin. This
is because he was not representative of nor exemplified what it
means to be an American.

Is it too soon to speak ill will toward the dead? In this case, it
is not.

Noone's life was really improved by this man having walked the
earth. The liberal bills would have been written and passed with
or without him. His nonsensical ramblings on The Daily Show
stole minutes from all our time. His empty, fluff filled speeches
designed only to promote himself made the poor and less fortunate
find excuse in the rich boogie-man instead of trying to lift
themselves up by their bootstraps. And this diminished the
quality of all our lives in the end.

Sorry, "Ted" (which, by the way is a closer association to Bundy
rather than Roosevelt) will not be missed.

I know this will angry lots of people. If there is one thing
I have leaned, it is that liberals tend to enjoy the comfort of
a pleasant, superficial myth rather than the harsh truth.

Ironically, it was John Kennedy who said the it is the myth that
is the enemy of Truth, rather than the lie.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:47 pm
by Arneb
Good to know that you also predicted that the next President would be a Mr. Huckabee.

I admire your courage. To dance on someone's grave is really the way to show how strong a personality you are.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:00 am
by Bill_Thompson
Arneb wrote:Good to know that you also predicted that the next President would be a Mr. Huckabee.

I admire your courage. To dance on someone's grave is really the way to show how strong a personality you are.

In one week -- in fact, the first week of July -- i lost two people in my family who outshone Edward Kennedy in countless ways. I can go on and on about how valuable they were and how they contributed endlessly to people's lives. This fact is seen in the heart felt speeches given at their funerals.

I made it clear at the beginning at my last post how death impacts us all.

But to not be clear and draw the line between those who deserve praising and those who do not is to provide a disservice to those who clearly do.

"Dancing"? Not exactly what I have in mind to do on Kennedy's grave. Use your imagination.

I know we all want to think that there are good, well intention people who deeply care for us and who are fighting the evil neocons who only want to make money by breaking the backs of the worker class. (yeah, I like to listening to RATM too). But wake up. THere is no conspiracy. THere are only stupid hippies, shortsighted peaceniks and crooks that take advantage of them by capitalizing on their dreams of a free lunch. And they are willing to overlook anything for that dream, including manslaughter.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:38 am
by Blue Monster 65
This thread gets funnier all the time.


PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 4:00 am
by Enzo
Noone's life was really improved by this man having walked the

And there you go, Bill, you wrote your own epitaph.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:10 pm
by Bill_Thompson
Enzo wrote:
Noone's life was really improved by this man having walked the

And there you go, Bill, you wrote your own epitaph.

That is not true. I laid my life on the line for loosers like you several times.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:11 pm
by Bill_Thompson
Blue Monster 65 wrote:This thread gets funnier all the time.


Which reminds me. Was he burried in Arlington?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:00 pm
by Lance
Yes, Bill, we all admire the time you spent in the military. My hat is off to you.

How did you lay your life on the line every day again? As a cook at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:45 pm
by Bill_Thompson
Where did you get that?
I never went to Great Lakes.
Not even for boot camp.

Where did you get I went in to be a cook from?

Do you even know what I did or where I served?

I am surprised you don't know. This must mean something that the family never told you. Cew on that for a while.

Since you don't know. Can you guess?

How about what I have done since them.

Do you even know what systems I have helped create for the Department of Defense since them.

Let me guess, you had an idea you thought was funny and you thought you would jump in and say it because you need some attention in your life.

This kind of reminds me of when I was in Texas when Kerry was running for office and there was a big drive to register people to vote. Austin is a little bubble of liberalism in the state and the volunteer wanted to argue with me that Kerry was a war hero. As a last resort to her loosing ground she piped up "well, he was a bigger hero than you". I stopped and said, "you know, I never thought of it this way, but now that you mention it, no, he wasn't a bigger war hero than me"

Did you serve in the military, Lance? Let me guess. You are going to say you are too smart to do that. That is a standard elitist liberal line. (by the way, I bet Edward Kennedy thought he was too smart or special to serve in the military eventhough he got kicked out of law school for cheating -- add that to our list under manslaughter)

If you had served. Let's compare service records. For starters, I got an expeditionary ribbon for the Peacekeeping Effort in Lebanon and a letter of appreciation form the Admiral of the Fleet.

What were you doing in the 80's ?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:07 am
by Blue Monster 65
Bill_Thompson wrote:Which reminds me. Was he burried in Arlington?

Dunno. Don't care. To be honest, I could care less about the Kennedy Clan - I'm one of the few people I know who thinks JFK wasn't much of a president and I'm even less inclined to be impressed by his brother.

But he's got you revved up. :lol:


PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:45 am
by Bill_Thompson
Blue Monster 65 wrote:
Bill_Thompson wrote:Which reminds me. Was he burried in Arlington?

Dunno. Don't care. To be honest, I could care less about the Kennedy Clan - I'm one of the few people I know who thinks JFK wasn't much of a president and I'm even less inclined to be impressed by his brother.

But he's got you revved up. :lol:


Someone who brought about the death of two innocent people. O.J. got people revved up too.


But Edward Kennedy was not even an athlete. He was a nobody. He was nothing. He never did anything. He cheated. He lied. He killed people. He was a drunk who thought he could get as much ass as his charismatic brothers.

Oh yes, and that "father figure" bull shit. He had orgies in his home with his nephews around. Or so he thought they were (fun 1960's style orgee love-fests). Rather, they were pathetic displays where young women were supposed to be in awe just to be in a Kennedy home. This clash of cultures let Kennedy-Smith to bonk his date casually and then forget her name. Which outraged his date and led to rape charges. It came out in the court case how Edward Kennedy would walk around in his underwear in front of all his guests. (which brings a flash-forward to Clinton's behavior when he was Governor)

This country deserves better, I think. Doesn't it? Hell, maybe it doesn't. We are what we choose to be. If that dick head is going to be burred at Arlington, I think it is time to draft a bill to get his body dug up and moved.

By the way, the second person Kennedy led to an early grave was his Dad, as Ed (let's stop calling him "Ted") Kennedy admits in his memoir. He says he led him to an early grave because of a broken heart.

He is guilty of manslaughter. We should not condem OJ and praise Ed Kennedy. At least OJ was an athlete and an entertaining movie star.

Let's adjust our priorities.

Which reminds me: Lance, do you think that somehow a man who provies food to people serving their country is less of a person than you are?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:47 am
by MM_Dandy
Lance wrote:Yes, Bill, we all admire the time you spent in the military. My hat is off to you.

How did you lay your life on the line every day again? As a cook at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station?

Lance, we needed him on that wall!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:51 am
by Bill_Thompson
MM_Dandy wrote:
Lance wrote:Yes, Bill, we all admire the time you spent in the military. My hat is off to you.

How did you lay your life on the line every day again? As a cook at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station?

Lance, we needed him on that wall!

I have never been to Great Lakes.

I have never served in the food industry.

I have never worked as a cook.

And that is not what I said. I did not say I laid my life on the line every day.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:24 am
by Enzo
And since you have demonstrated repeatedly that one of your main skills is avoiding the truth, we have zero reason to believe any self-congratulatory spew you issue.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:04 am
by Bill_Thompson
Looking up a serious list of accomplishments to play the devils advocate is daunting. Most results of internet searches are joke posts about how much of an ass hole Kennedy was.

In 1980, Kennedy lost the nomination to Jimmy Carter. Carter approached Kennedy at the 1980 Convention and extended his hand. Kennedy looked at him for a minute and turned his back. (In front of a crowd of 6000 people and television cameras!) Why you may ask? Because Carter was a peanut farming, country bumpkin. And Kennedy was of a special breed.

Image ... lishments/

Consider this. If Edward Kennedy was not a Kennedy would anyone even know who he was? Let's suppose he was just a good friend of the Kennedy clan. Would he have gotten far. No. Bobby would not have considered a guy who got kicked out of college for cheeting to help with his campaign.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:07 am
by Bill_Thompson
Enzo wrote:And since you have demonstrated repeatedly that one of your main skills is avoiding the truth, we have zero reason to believe any self-congratulatory spew you issue.

You only have to search the internet on Kennedy to see what I am talking about. What other subject are you talking about? Britney Spears? What else have I brought up?

And how does any of this apply to Edward Kennedy? You disagree with something I said maybe years or months ago? If I was to say you are an idiot, would that be a lie?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 5:07 am
by Enzo
SO Kennedy could be an arrogant jerk. So can you.

I am reminded of the time george W. Bush went to a conference of leaders and snubbed Yassir Arafat. Walked right by him and pretended he wasn;t there. Assholes come in all stripes. Bush was a cocaine user, and certainly a drunk until he was 40. LAura Bush ran a stop sign and killed someone when she was younger, clearly at fault but no charges were ever filed. I don;t see you going on and on and on and on about that.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:41 am
by Bill_Thompson
Enzo wrote:SO Kennedy could be an arrogant jerk. So can you.

I am reminded of the time george W. Bush went to a conference of leaders and snubbed Yassir Arafat. Walked right by him and pretended he wasn;t there. Assholes come in all stripes. Bush was a cocaine user, and certainly a drunk until he was 40. LAura Bush ran a stop sign and killed someone when she was younger, clearly at fault but no charges were ever filed. I don;t see you going on and on and on and on about that.

What the hell? Now you are talking about Bush and Arafat? Why not talk about the guy working in the McDonald's drive through? What the hell is your point?

MY POINT was that we should not give Kennedy as much honor as we, as a people are.

I don't even know what your point is.

Enzo wrote:And since you have demonstrated repeatedly that one of your main skills is avoiding the truth, we have zero reason to believe any self-congratulatory spew you issue.

I just thought of something. That might be considered to be an attempt on your part to safe face. It is so poor that I did not even recognize it as so. You are pathetic.

And for someone who is not worth your time, I get a lot of attention from you.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:11 am
by Enzo
MY POINT was that we should not give Kennedy as much honor as we, as a people are.

I don't even know what your point is.

Well, Bill, that is because you are stupid. I point out that by your standards Bush should get even more derision, yet you chose to focus on the Senator from Massachusetts instead of a larger asshole.

And for someone who is not worth your time, I get a lot of attention from you.

Gee Bill, you think so??? Golly. Lance let your sorry ass back in this place over the objections of most of us. he wanted to liven things up, I guess. SO as long as we have to put up with you, we might as well get whatever amusement we can out of it. As far as I am concerned, you are nothing more than a target. You are an internet coward of the first rank.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:27 pm
by Bill_Thompson
If Edward was not a Kennedy, would he have gotten as far in life as he had, given that he did all the things he did in life?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:28 pm
by Bill_Thompson
Enzo wrote:
MY POINT was that we should not give Kennedy as much honor as we, as a people are.

I don't even know what your point is.

Well, Bill, that is because you are stupid.

I think you resort to attacking the arguer because you don't have an argument.

And we are talking about Kennedy and not Bush. Stick with the program. I think you should at least try.

Is your position that Kennedy is good because Bush is bad? Or is it that if people (what people, by the way) honor Bush, then liberals have just as much right to honor Kennedy. That makes sense to you?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:32 pm
by Superluminal
Enzo wrote:I am reminded of the time george W. Bush went to a conference of leaders and snubbed Yassir Arafat. Walked right by him and pretended he wasn;t there.

I think its appropriate for the leader of the free world to snub a ist thug. I just wish Pres. Obama had a bit more backbone when meeting people like that. When Hugo Chavez gave Obama that anti-American book a few months ago. Instead of accepting it like a gullible little teenager, he could have been diplomatic, smiled and said, "Thank you, I don't usually read fiction, but I'll give it a look."

I'm am glad Bills back, it does make things a bit more interesting.

Now back to your regularly scheduled Enzo/Bill tirade.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:54 pm
by Enzo
Nah, this is tiresome too.

Bill even kicking sand in your face gets boring after a while.

Suffice it to say I think you are slime, and have no interest in your observations.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:38 pm
by Arneb
No, no gain for me either. A thug gratuitously insulting everyone who disagrees with him and gellfully denigrating the memory of deceased people. Where is the intellectual or even the entertainment value of this cheap Fred Phelps copy? I see none.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:11 pm
by Lance
It's like looking at a bad traffic accident. You don't want to, but you do.