Wunnerful, wunnerful...

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Wunnerful, wunnerful...

Postby Enzo » Sun Jan 12, 2020 11:20 pm

Lawrence Welk, a popular bandleader in the 1950s, with his "Champagne Music". Had a bubble machine behind the bandstand, and they played lilting pretty dance music. Lotsa polkas. Welk did play accordion, but they had the famed Myron FLoren as the main accordionist. Oh how my mom liked Welk. She thought all music should be pretty, she hated my rock and blues music. He died decades ago, but his show lives on in reruns.

Lawrence Welk was super squeaky clean. NO edgy music, no scandals, nothing sexy. Uber conservative German-catholic family rated, etc etc. Lots of ballroom dancing. Think social club in the basement of a church.

At some point we discovered They performed the Brewer and Shipley hit One Toke Over the Line. Clearly Welk had no idea what the song was about, he introduced it as a spiritual. That is of course Myron FLoren with the accordion.
Watch on youtube.com

B&S found it ironic that Welk was playing it as a gospel song at the same time the FCC was banning it from the radio.

We go to Big Boy for breakfast each SUnday. LAst week, for some reason we mentioned this to our regular waitress...er, server. She had never heard of Lawrence Welk, let alone our story. We told her to look it up online. I doubted she'd remember, but whatever. Well, this morning we went. Place is just dead, like three tables, and no kids. Wring had no kids to give rubber duckies today. Waitress says, "Hey, I got something for you." And she comes out with three record albums. I mean good old vinyl records. One was even a double disc one. They were of course...Lawrence Welk records. One had a sticker on the front "Includes photo album". And inside OMG the photo album was still with the record. Just a large folded sheet with color pix of the band and performers, but there it was. She had spotted them at a yard sale or some such.

She asked a bit later if we had a record player, I had to say no. But I just appreciated having them. I told her that did make my day.

SO when we returned to the home, we visited the community room, talked to the group there. Showed them my prizes. Of course all there knew Welk, no one in our age group would be ignorant. One lady said, "Your know we DO have a record player over there by the big TV. Maybe you could play them later?"

Anna one, anna two...
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Re: Wunnerful, wunnerful...

Postby Lance » Mon Jan 13, 2020 5:54 am

We got one of those adjustable beds a couple years ago. It's helped my back immensely.

It came with a pair of remote controls, one for each side. There are 6 buttons on it: [Head Up] and [Head Down], [Feet Up] and [Feet Down], and [Both Up] and [Both Down]. It's pretty simple, and after a day or two you can adjust everything how you like it without having to put much thought into it. Your thumb just lands where it needs to be to make what ever adjustment you want.

I have trouble sleeping. A lot of trouble actually. I can't get more then 4-5 hours a night and I need more than that. I'm constantly in a state of worsening sleep deprivation. It can be debilitating at times.

A couple of years ago my doctor asked if I smoked weed and I answered honestly that I don't really care for it and hadn't in many years. She suggested I give it a try, and that it might help me get more and better sleep. So I did, and it did, but not much. So I've been keeping some on hand and using it at bedtime only. It helped a little but not nearly as much as I'd like.

Fast forward a couple of years and now Cyndi and I both have our medical cannabis cards so we're able to purchase legally, in dispensaries that are for the purpose. And OMFG! The medical grade products are a world apart from even good stuff procured on the black market, Most of what we've gotten so far is closer to hash than weed. It's extracted concentrates. So you're vaping almost pure THC, there is no smoke or plant material involved. I like this MUCH better, and I have come to really enjoy the high too. So now the last couple of hours of my day are spent medicating, which is a lot of fun.

One day last week I apparently medicated a bit too much. I got in bed and grabbed the remote to adjust the bed but for the life of me, I couldn't figure out which button did what. All I could do was laugh about it.

I was one toke over the line that night.
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Re: Wunnerful, wunnerful...

Postby Enzo » Mon Jan 13, 2020 6:23 am

Oh cool, I was wondering how it would tie into mine.

I used to have an album: A Child's Garden of Grass. And it was a bunch of short bits about marijuana. VAguely Firesign Theater stuff. One bit is a PSA for pot. The announcer goes on to say music listening is enhanced on pot. You can listen to Blues, Acid Rock, smooth Jazz, (and others), and each had a sample playing in the background. And then he concludes, "But there is one kind of music you should NEVER, EVER listen to on pot...MYRON FLOREN music". And as it fades you hear Myron playing Lady of Spain.

I don't have sound on my computer, but this sample MIGHT even be that bit.

Watch on youtube.com

If that appeals, the whole she-bang:
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Re: Wunnerful, wunnerful...

Postby g-one » Mon Jan 13, 2020 7:52 pm

That's the correct bit. Then also mentions Dick Contino, then something backwards (maybe Myron again?).
Then ends with 'Unless of course, they're all playing together!' and a mix of it all plays that makes me think of the little guy in Twin Peaks that talks backwards. :shock:
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