Britney Spears

The Pit of Doom: Flame Wars, Fights and Schoolyard Bullying.
Warning: Contents may burn your eyes!

Postby Dragon Star » Fri Jan 18, 2008 2:50 am

troubleagain wrote:Bill, dear fellow, I know I'm wasting electrons to say this, but your ranting about Britney here is not doing anyone any good except possibly gaining you some sort of satisfaction that I cannot understand. The brain-power and emotional energy you are using for this could well be used in more constructive ways "for the common good."

See, I KNOW you're an intelligent person. And I KNOW you've got a sense of humor. You show it here sometimes. I wish I could see more of THAT Bill Thompson and a whole lot less of THIS Bill Thompson.

And on that note, I believe it's time to close this thread, which ran it's course a long long time ago.

Bill, if you truly have something you want to post about new events that Brittany is producing, feel free to post them. Do not keep on trolling about Brittany, considering this is borderline obsessive and mindbogglingly repetitious. We've had enough about Brittany. Seriously.

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Dragon Star
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