Alien Abduction

Have you seen a UFO?

Do you believe in Alien Abductions?

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Alien Abduction

Postby Candy » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:42 am

Caution: eyes blink!

I told this on the BABB awhile back. My brother and sister claim to have been visited or abducted by aliens while children. This would have been before 1970. I’ve always thought it was due to an early childhood trauma like the horrid divorce of my parents or being allowed to stay up late and watch Sammy Terry. My sister was a bed wetter. My brother was and still is petrified of doctors. He associates a simple doctor visit to pain.

Both never told the other of their experiences, until years later. They are both alcoholics and druggies. They were partying together, and the subject came up. Apparently, this started a strong bond between the two for a few years. They’ve since fallen out from each others grace.

To this day, when either discusses the experience, you can hear and see fear in their eyes. I truly believe they believe this happened to them. Coincidently, both are poor, white, and live in mobile homes. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I just thought it pertinent to the topic.

I’m not sure if this has been discussed here before, but has anyone else every experienced a visit or abduction? BTW, there were four of us children, and neither my oldest brother nor I had this same experience.
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Postby Lance » Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:58 am

The ramifications of believing in Alien Abduction or visitation are huge. Think of all the other things, none of which there are any evidence of, that must be true first.

But on the other side of that coin, the Travis Walton story has always made me go "hmmm".
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Postby Mr. Manly » Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:48 pm

I have to say no for now. I have seen interviews that made me think but the overwhelming majority of Billy Bob and Ethel being felt up by aliens stories keep me from becoming a believer.
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Postby Superluminal » Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:55 am

I voted no. If you ever read Carl Sagan's "Candle In The Dark", he did a pretty good job of explaning the situation.

I do know one guy, he's the resident woo-woo in the RRAC. He believes that his mother was abducted, and that his father is an alien. Hes not as woo-woo as he used to be. He once believe all of Hoagland's nonsense about the face of Mars. But he was convinced that there was nothing there when MGS pictures were released.

He is a DJ at a country music station, and has never been married. I'll fix him up with Candy if she makes it to the star party. :lol:
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Postby Candy » Fri Aug 12, 2005 12:53 pm

Superluminal wrote:He is a DJ at a country music station, and has never been married. I'll fix him up with Candy if she makes it to the star party. :lol:

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Alien abductions

Postby vonmazur » Tue Aug 16, 2005 5:30 pm

There are so many things that do not make any sense about this, one does not know where to start......

Germs, DNA, Distance to get here, lack of evidence, etc....

Listening to the replay of Billy Meier's rep in the US on C2C, was enough to remind me of one aspect that is not mentioned often; All of the supposed predictions-(besides being made ex post facto...) are connected with our own subjective opinions about the events, none of them are ever really objective. ie: The supposed Pleadians give a bunch of prophecies and predictions, but never about something totally unknown to us, yet they claim to be objective and trying to "Help".....Just once I would like to see something other than the usual issues, like maybe something we, as a race have not ever considered or thought of.....I know this is radical, and problematic, but I have had enough of the "Issue du Jour" types of messages, made after the issue is known to us.....Why did not the 19th Century Euros or some other location, get messages from aliens?? Why does the phenomenom always reflect a cultural paradigm, or current bias?

It seems like Jacques Vallee is right, this is a deception that is as old as we are, and not some kind of genuine contact from some other planet.

Why do all the insterplanetary-inter galactic nut cases always assume an extra terrestrial origin?? Could they not be from here too?? Is this more likely?? IF there were ancient civilizations, maybe they are still hanging around the fringes...this makes more sense that having to travel zillions of light years to get here, just to mutilate a few cows.....

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Re: Alien abductions

Postby umop ap!sdn » Tue Aug 16, 2005 5:53 pm

Undecided, but only because I'm not sure what to make of the Walton and Hill cases. As for the others - Meier, Adamski, Gulf Breeze, Marciniak (actually these are often referred to as "contactee" cases in order to differentiat ethem from "abductee") - I've decided long ago that I don't believe that they're true.

vonmazur wrote:Why do all the insterplanetary-inter galactic nut cases always assume an extra terrestrial origin??

Not all do. Strieber once speculated (I think it was in his book Communion) that his "visitors" might be from Earth. But then, that book was written at a time when he sounded a lot less woo-woo-ish than now. :lol:
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Postby vonmazur » Tue Aug 16, 2005 8:22 pm

I knew about Whitley's speculation, and I agree that he has mentioned it. What I meant was the usual garden variety UFO buff, like George Noory who keeps saying; "From another Galaxy....." or something similar, when the guests mention contact or similar subjects. I think it is a sign of intellectual unconsciousness the way he spouts buzz words, without considering what he is saying.

As for Betty and Barney, I lived in NH and I have seen some stuff on the route they followed that was hard to classify, but nothing extra-terrestrial. IMHO: They hallucinated after harrassment by a bunch of 1950's style bikers in a diner in St. Johnsbury Vt...The star map is of course, paraeidolia with charts, and they did not remember any of the Aliens until they got "Hypnotized" by their therapist later on.....

Travis Walton is truly different, and is hard to explain it in the "Phillip Klass" manner, and it is the only really good well witnessed case that I can recall offhand....

I agree with Irving Stang, who wrote a book called "High Wierdness by Mail", that most of this is adjusted culturally, and refects a certain outlook by the participants.....

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