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PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 7:24 am
If Hitler decided to make friends with Jewish people there wouldn't have been the Holocust.

If the Serbs decided to make friends instead of making a point there would have been no WW1.

So my question still stands, whats the point?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 11:49 pm
by Bill_Thompson
legend wrote:If Hitler decided to make friends with Jewish people there wouldn't have been the Holocust.

If the Serbs decided to make friends instead of making a point there would have been no WW1.

So my question still stands, whats the point?

The point I was making was to live a life of purpose or to sell out. In other words, I was asking Lonewulf if he had to choose between sticking to a principle or to cave in and go with the flow which would he choose. If sticking to a principle meant ridicule or even harm to himself, would he stick to having a meaningful life or making friends.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 12:46 am
by I Am He
I wish to ask you a question, Bill??

Pray tell how is Lonewulf suppose to respond to you when he is Banned??

PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 12:49 am
by Dragon Star
When (if) he gets back? It's only for a week you know...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:16 pm
by Lonewulf
Bill_Thompson wrote:if you had to choose between making a point and making friends, which would you choose, Lonewulf?

You made a point in the wrong time, at the wrong place, in the wrong way.

You went out of your way to disrupt his blog for the sole purpose of pushing an issue where you have acted like nothing but an arrogant child saying, "I'm right, you're wrong, period! WAH! I'm STILL RIGHT! I'll shove at you wherever you go! WAH!"

Hell, people mentioned my banning. I stood up for my principles against Lance. I refused to cave in, to the point of pure stubborness. And you know what? I've apologized (several times) for some of the things I said, because a lot of them were undeserved and spoken out of anger. In short, I owned up for my shortcomings, but I do not regret taking the stand I took (though I do regret taking it to the point that I did).

It was in private, it was in PM, it wasn't in public, and I didn't try to sock puppet or bypass the ban from the forums. That is the mature way to "Take a stand". And if you really disagree with someone, going out of your way to insult him on his blog on a completely unrelated issue is just about the dumbest thing you can do.

You acted purely and totally out of spite, not out of any real desire to take a stand.

You never answered that question. I would like to know.

It's answered. But you don't really want to know. That's the trick; you don't look for knowledge, you look for bait. You're looking at my posts trying to find a new way to upset me or anger me. And who knows, maybe it'll work.

But maybe you should focus on using your brain for more practical suits, like something intelligent and not spiteful.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2006 1:21 pm
by Lonewulf
Bill_Thompson wrote:The point I was making was to live a life of purpose or to sell out. In other words, I was asking Lonewulf if he had to choose between sticking to a principle or to cave in and go with the flow which would he choose. If sticking to a principle meant ridicule or even harm to himself, would he stick to having a meaningful life or making friends.

See, you can do both.

Let's say I talk to someone that's religious, but is a nice person. Now, if I talk down to her, I won't make a friend. If I show I respect her views, but disagree and give my POV (when it's appropriate), and she gives her own, we both can come to a mutual understanding.

A fundamentalist Christian that would want to go out of her way to kill people that worked in an Abortion Clinic is someone I would not want to have as a friend -- or a fundie that wants to continually repress homosexuals. But a moderate Christian I simply disagree with the views of, but is otherwise intelligent, I would be respectful of.

That was a real case, too. Met a mexican gal here, and we had a lot of common ground. I did not let a disagreement impair me, nor go out of my way to take "shots" at her -- which you have done constantly to others.

Further, if I went into a messageboard she owned, or the house she owns, and made a ruckus and caused a lot of problems, I would accept being banned or having my account suspended (or, in the case of her house, being kicked out). See, that's because it's her property, and I would be respectful of her and her property.

I would not force my way back into her house or her forum, and try to cause more trouble. You would. I would not go into her Blog and try to make her life even more difficult. You would.

And that is what makes us so completely different. And that is why what you do is wrong. You cannot argue this point, you can only dig yourself more into the pit you have created for yourself.

I do not try to make friends with people I truly disagree with -- those that I really don't like, for instance. I do not like you or Candy, and what you do to others -- how you expect everyone to bow down before you and show you complete and rapt attention, and always do what you want them to do.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 2:16 am
Bill_Thompson wrote:
legend wrote:If Hitler decided to make friends with Jewish people there wouldn't have been the Holocust.

If the Serbs decided to make friends instead of making a point there would have been no WW1.

So my question still stands, whats the point?

The point I was making was to live a life of purpose or to sell out. In other words, I was asking Lonewulf if he had to choose between sticking to a principle or to cave in and go with the flow which would he choose. If sticking to a principle meant ridicule or even harm to himself, would he stick to having a meaningful life or making friends.

Ahhh, you like to think of yourself as a man of principle, integrity who wouldn't sell out for any reason. What if that reason was that you are wrong, do you admit it or do you argue till you know you are wrong then stop posting on the topic or just walk away. Where are your principles when it comes to admitting that someone else was actually right and you were wrong. Are you too proud to admit being wrong?

Do you make friends only with people that agree with you, or do you think it's impossible to make friends with people that disagree with you?

When does a point become important enough to sacrifice others lives for?
So would you risk your families safety to prove a point?
You already seem to have decided that. Any wonder you are so angry, you know you would risk them, but you also seem to keep looking for the opportunity to do so. Do you do this in RL too?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 10:42 am
by Lonewulf
I think that Bill Thompson really was lying about "wanting to know".

But watch him read my post and try to find the first thing he can to make me look bad. It's his MO.