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Resolved: View new posts since last visit?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:28 pm
by Candy
How can we click a link to see new posts since last visit, like on the BABB?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:38 pm
by Lance
The wording is different but the functions are identical.

BABB's: "View posts since last visit"

and our: "View unread posts"

Do the same thing.

However, this board remembers your unread posts even if you close your browser and come back later. You can also mark posts unread that you have already read. If anything, you are much less likely to miss something here than you were on BABB or most other phpBBs that don't use the "Keep Unread" mod.

The wording is different because of complaints that "View unread posts" doesn't do what it claims in an unmodded phpBB. It never did. "View posts since last visit" was the new wording to more accurately represent the function.

With the "Keep Unread" mod that we use here, "View unread posts" really does show you all your unread posts.

You never really did have this feature at BABB (or other phpBBs), but you do here.

These are all the same function. The only difference is that here, it remembers all your unread posts, not just since last visit.
