Mac OS

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Mac OS

Postby Мастер » Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:06 am

Does anyone here have any experience running Mac OS on a non-Apple computer? Apparently this is possible using a hacked version of the Mac OS.

I used Apple products in the 1990s, before switching to PC. Now I am contemplating returning, but I'd like to give the OS a try before committing to the Apple hardware platform.

Although, it is my impression that nowadays, an Apple computer is, hardware-wise, just another type of PC, like Dell, Lenovo, HP, whatever. It happens to be the one for which Mac OS supports all the hardware, but if you don't like Mac OS, you can install Windows, or Linux on it. Is that correct?
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Postby Blue Monster 65 » Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:49 pm

I don't know about running a Mac OS on a PC, but you can run Windows through Bootcamp on a Mac.

Also, Sweetwater sell music PCs that are Macbook Pro laptops that run Windows natively, so it can be done, if you wanna strip the Mac OS out. You can find (some) info on those particular models here: I didn't get one, as they weren't available at the time, but they sure look nice to me! The best of both worlds, I guess.
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