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It sure looks like a planet to me

PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 11:02 am
by Мастер
But my attempts to photograph it have failed completely.

Hanging low over the horizon in the western sky.

Re: It sure looks like a planet to me

PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 11:16 am
by Мастер
Results disappointing.


At the lower level, are ships. (There are two, but one might be very difficult to see.)

At the upper left, is an aeroplane.

And at the upper right is the suspected planet. It keeps playing hide-and-seek behind the clouds, even though I thought there were no clouds in space.

Re: It sure looks like a planet to me

PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 11:21 am
by Мастер
Bloody hell, now I’m not sure it was a planet at all.

Re: It sure looks like a planet to me

PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 12:22 pm
by Arneb
Not easy to call. My Sky map shows Mercury barely above the horizon at sunset in Singapore, but I doubt it would be visible through a soupy horizon. Mercury is not very bright under the best of virwing conditions (and certainly not under a tropical sky at sea level). Mars and Venus, OTOH, form a nice pair in the Western evening sky, but at sunset, they are still high in the sky, at about 45° above the horizon. Two relatively bright stars, Castor and Pollux, are in the vicinity, but then you should see two points of light, not one.

Re: It sure looks like a planet to me

PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2023 12:30 pm
by Мастер
Arneb wrote:Not easy to call. My Sky map shows Mercury barely above the horizon at sunset in Singapore

Somewhat east of there at the moment.

I thought it might be Mercury. Venus usually burns holes in one’s retinas.

Arneb wrote: but I doubt it would be visible through a soupy horizon. Mercury is not very bright under the best of virwing conditions (and certainly not under a tropical sky at sea level). Mars and Venus, OTOH, form a nice pair in the Western evening sky, but at sunset, they are still high in the sky, at about 45° above the horizon. Two relatively bright stars, Castor and Pollux, are in the vicinity, but then you should see two points of light, not one.

There was a roof obstructing my view of “high in the sky”.

I’ll try to get another look tomorrow.

Re: It sure looks like a planet to me

PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 12:32 pm
by Мастер
OK, despite the clouds, I got a good look at something tonight. It definitely wasn't an aeroplane. I'm pretty sure a planet, but which one?

It was at 7:38pm, UTC+8, perhaps about 115 degrees 9 minutes east. By very crude estimation (looking straight up at the sky, saying that's 90 degrees, eyeballing what half the angle would be, and eyeballing half of that), I'd say it might have been about 20 degrees above the horizon.

Re: It sure looks like a planet to me

PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 1:45 pm
by Мастер
OK, from what I just read, it is way to high in the sky right now to be Mercury.

So maybe Venus?